By Larry Fayer

To understand God’s purpose and how we can fit in, there are some basic ideas from Scripture that we need to keep in mind. 

First, we should reflect upon the fact that God has never done anything haphazardly.  When you consider Creation, it is awe-inspiring to think of the intricate design that God has put into it. Even God was pretty impressed: And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good (Genesis 1:31). The Psalmist looked at creation and reflected: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 19:1).  With recent discoveries of science including knowledge of organs/systems of the body, including cells and DNA, understanding of how the earth rotates around the sun and that there are many other planets rotating around that same sun along with the realization that there are many other solar systems, space stations orbiting the earth and human beings walking on the moon, the ability to send spacecraft to distant planets and objects, one must stand in utter amazement at the preciseness of the creation we live in.  AND GOD MADE IT ALL!

One can see that God is very deliberate and purposive in his actions.  There is a preciseness beyond imagination.  From that we can expect that He created us, not in some haphazard manner but with preciseness and a purpose in mind. 

The thought is this: God does not make anything haphazardly.  As precisely as He made your body He has made a specific plan for you.



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